Artist: Mariana Iranzi
Album: Hola Hello
Age Range: 2 through 6
Description: Argentina-born and Boston-educated, bassist Iranzi's 2013 album continues her Latin kindie rock career with Hola Hello. The song topics -- the colors of the rainbow, modes of transportation, monkeys unable to stay upon their beds despite repeated warnings from their mother -- stay clearly in the preschool camp. The songs themselves, however, with their mostly (not exclusively) Spanish lyrics and usually laid-back eclectic musical vibe, may also work for a slightly older crowd. (I particularly liked the Bebel Gilberto groove of "Barquito de Papel" and I thought "Arco Iris" was a very good bilingual introduction to colors. Listen to samples here. The kids music market is now swarming with Spanish-language disks. This is one of the better ones, particularly for a more modern, but not still Latin, sound. Recommended.
Note: I received a copy of this album for possible review.