Bunny in the Moon - DidiPop

Artist: DidiPop

Album: Bunny in the Moon 

Age Range: 2 through 6

Description: For her latest album, Los Angeles-based Deborah Poppink AKA DidiPop structured tracks into two parts: 1) calm down!, 2) go to sleeeeeep.  The "calm down!" part didn't interest me given its more "do this" bent, but the last track of the four, the samba-inflected "I Love You Mommy" and a lot of the lullabies on tracks 5 through 14 work quite well.  The title track and "Snuggles and Books" (featuring a lot of shout-outs to famous bedtime stories) are the standouts.  The 37-minute album (listen to it here) has a very personal feel and takes awhile to fully slow down, so it's not perfect for everyone.  (I personally like my lullaby albums hushed and rustic.)  But it's well-produced and not too goopy.  Recommended.