This Kids Festival Coulda Been a Contender. No, Wait, It Is.

OK, if you're going to name your festival the On The Waterfront Festival, you can't expect me not to make a bad movie reference, right? (Oh, I see I made the same joke last year. So predictable.) Aaaanyway, the four-day fest features a nice little lineup of local and not-so-local acts for the kids interspersed amongst a much larger set of bands. Might be worth a trip if you're in the area Labor Day weekend. Saturday Aug.30th Mindy Hester (who I don't see listed on the schedule at the moment, but I've been told is playing) The Deeedle Deedle Dees Sunday Aug. 31st The Chickadees Jim Gill

Afterschool Special: The Terrible Twos in Concert (Presented by Zooglobble)

MattPryor.JPGThe Terrible Twos are releasing their new album Jerzy the Giant next week (have you heard it yet?) and to mark the occasion, they're doing some touring the next couple months. At the same time, chief Two (Number One Two?) Matt Pryor is also releasing his first solo record, Confidence Man and to mark the occasion, he's doing some touring the next couple months. Coincidence? Who cares! There's a show in Phoenix! Presented by Zooglobble (a phrase which I still can't say without chuckling a little). On Wednesday, August 20th, at 6 PM (doors open at 5:30) at downtown Phoenix's Modified Arts, you'll get to see the Terrible Twos in a special early show. It will be energetic, fun, and no small party. Tickets are $5, $3 for the kiddos. Other Terrible Twos dates after the jump.

Back To Austin

It's true, folks, we'll be heading back to Austin in late September for this year's Austin City Limits Festival, and in particular, the Austin Kiddie Limits stage. Now I can engage in my own schedule-balancing as I try to figure out how to maximize my time at the AKL stage while not missing good shows elsewhere around the festival and simultaneously making sure my daughter is having a good time and not getting too tired. That's right, Miss Mary Mack will be joining me again, and I'm hoping she'll help her dad out a little more this year, what with her new-found experience as a returning festival-goer. We'll be staying with the Official Brother, Sister-in-Law, and Nephew of Zooglobble, since the Official Mom of Zooglobble will be out of town that weekend. We'll also be flying into Austin instead of Dallas, thereby saving us 3 hours of driving each. Yay! And, no, I am not the secret replacement for Brian Eno in David Byrne's set (probably my most-anticipated non-AKL set). But wait, there's more!

And Away They Go...

So Daron, Jack, and Drew are off on their million-mile cross-country Recess-Monkey-ish ciruit of the United States, and it turns out that if you head on over to Spare the Rock occasionally you'll get to hear the boys blogging their way around the country. No word if they'll eventually produce Hamlet at random, but at the very least you'll find out about their adventures as they make their way to Phoenix. That's right! Phoenix, people! Remember? I told you they're playing Phoenix -- Sunday, August 3rd, 3 PM. Modified Arts in downtown Phoenix. Do not miss this show! Don't make me use more exclamation points!

Recess Monkey On Tour, In Phoenix, Presented by...

RecessMonkeyKevinFrylowres.jpgZooglobble! That's right, the great Seattle trio Recess Monkey is making their way around this great country of ours this summer promoting their upcoming album Tabby Road. (Despite $4/gallon gas, they will not be riding the tricycle as in the picture above to get around the country.) Chicago, Northampton, DC, Austin, and, hey, what's this, PHOENIX! Yep, on Sunday, August 3rd, 3 pm, you can see Recess Monkey at downtown Phoenix's Modified Arts, $6 for adults, $3 for kids, and infants free. And despite the fact that the phrase "presented by Zooglobble" makes me giggle, it's true. We're thinking of something special for the kids (in addition to seeing the band). So come join us next month -- it will be a blast. (And I'm working on some other shows -- this may be the first Zooglobble-only presentation, but it won't be the last.) Band photo by Kevin Fry.

Kidzapalooza 2008 Set Times: Do You Like Jeff Tweedy?

If you do like Jeff Tweedy, and you are planning on being at Lollapalooza this year then get yourself over to the Kidz stage at about 3:00 on Friday, 'cuz he's playing a set. "Just A Kid," indeed. (I'm thinkin' "Shot in the Arm" or "Handshake Drugs" might not be the best choices for his setlist.) Yeah, the schedule was announced a while back, but now we have days and times. The full schedule for Kidzapalooza after the jump.