I'd like to think that finding pop (and classical and rock and reggae and hip-hop and so on) for kids is at the heart of what we do here at Zooglobble, but Dennis Greeuw, the guy behind
The Pop! For Kids Project named his whole darn blog after the idea.
Greeuw's operating conceit for the blog is asking his favorite artists to record a family-friendly song for posting/downloading on his site. I posted something about his site on Facebook just after it debuted in late January, but I wanted to see what else he'd come up with. Now, nine songs in, I'm ready to declare Pop! For Kids worth your time.
Greeuw isn't trying to post something daily (more like weekly), so the site is sort of like a veeeeery slow compilation disk. And, like most compilation disks, the tracks here are of varying quality. Some are marginal (I could do without the Zipper live track), some pretty decent (see Vom Vorton's "The World is Round"), and some are just plain awesome (Mascot Fight's "Dance Like Robots" -- please download it now). The best part is that Greeuw is clearly just following his own personal interests, which makes for some pretty interesting discoveries. You and your kids won't like everything, but I'm pretty sure you'll like at least a couple tracks quite a bit.