Ep. 49: Go, Pete, Go!

Winners: Those of us influenced by Pete Seeger.  Which is to say, millions and millions.

Subscribe to this podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss


Upcoming Releases: This week - Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym JamEveryone's Invited!Ella Jenkins123s and ABCs, Disney JuniorSofia the First: Songs from Enchancia; Next week -   Clint Perry and the Boo Hoo Crew:  Time of Our LivesJazzy AshHomeRockabye BabyLullaby Renditions of P!nk

Kickstarters: None

Jennifer Gasoi wins Grammy for Best Children's Album for Throw a Penny in the Wishing Well

American Library Association 2014 Youth Media Award Winners: