"Man Gave Names" - Aaron Nigel Smith

Artist: Aaron Nigel Smith

Song: "Man Gave Names"

Album: Welcome to the Village

Description: Yes, there are kids, presumably from Smith's "One World Chorus," who are monkeying around, helping Smith out on the song (see what I did there?).   But the real reason to watch are the puppets who remind listeners of the guest artists Laurie Berkner, Lucky Diaz, and Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, but not in any legally infringing way.

Source: Vimeo

"Fall" - Orange Sherbet

Artist: Orange Sherbet

Song: "Fall"

Album: Delicious

Description: The next in the band's series of seasonally-appropriate food raps.  The bounty is here!  (Two or three days early, even.)

Source: Vimeo

"Chicken Soup Ballad" - Ben Rudnick & Friends

Artist: Ben Rudnick & Friends

Song: "Chicken Soup Ballad"

Album: Love Is a Superpower

Description: Personally, I find the enthusiasm the animated leftovers have for being made into a soup a little confusing -- should they be accepting their sacrifice quite so joyfully? -- but the song (and video) moves along nicely.

Source: YouTube

"I Want to Push Buttons" - Lunch Money

Artist: Lunch Money

Song: "I Want to Push Buttons"

Album: Original Friend

Description: A live recording, though not "live" (no screaming/twirling/dancing kids jumping up front) of the most t-shirt-y band in kids music.  (I say that with much, much affection.  The t-shirt and jeans look of the band is part and parcel of who they are and I wouldn't want them any other way.)

Source: YouTube

"Make Me" - Big Bang Boom

Artist: Big Bang Boom

Song: "Make Me"

Album: Because I Said So

Description: In the time-honored tradition of videos featuring a band acting goofy and being entirely unrelated to the song, the North Carolina band goes to a children's museum and has fun.  I really, really like the song, though.  So that's why it's here.

Source: YouTube


"Sleep Eye" - Elizabeth Mitchell

Artist: Elizabeth Mitchell

Song: "Sleep Eye"

Album: Little Seed: Songs for Children by Woody Guthrie

Description: This is such a minimalist song video -- and in it, is its beauty.  Mitchell and her husband Daniel Littleton with little more than two guitars (one used only for percussive purposes) create a perfect little lullaby, recorded live at the Smithsonian Institution.

Source: Vimeo