"Diaperman" - The Harmonica Pocket

Artist: The Harmonica Pocket

Song: "Diaperman"

Album: Apple Apple

Description: Who would have thought that a song called "Diaperman" would be so, erm, sweet?  I'm pretty sure nobody (over the age of 6) would want a "Diaperman" puppet, but that might actually work once you see this.

Source: YouTube


Teatro ZinZanni live circus show - Recess Monkey

Artist: Recess Monkey

Song: N/A

Album: In Tents

Description: 65+ minutes of Recess Monkey goodness from their recently-completed circus-themed show with Teatro ZinZanni.  It's a concert, from a great album, plus circus stuff.  How can you lose?

Source: YouTube

"Sing Loud!" - Melissa Green

Artist: Melissa Green

Song: "Sing Loud!"

Album: Sing Loud!

Description: There's not too much about the title track from Green's forthcoming (July 31) album or its video that would mark it as being "kids' music."  Maybe the lyric, "stomp stomp stomp."  Or, in the video, Green dancing, apropos of nothing really, between two large pieces of construction equipment.  But it is a shiny, shimmery piece of kid-friendly pop with a chorus designed to lodge in the brains of all who hear.  And the video is polished to match.

Source: YouTube

"Grassy Grass Grass" - Elizabeth Mitchell

Artist: Elizabeth Mitchell

Song: "Grassy Grass Grass"

Album: You Are My Little Bird / Little Seed

Description: This video is actually a couple years old, made for HBO Family and Classical Baby: The Poetry Show.  But now with the impending release of Mitchell's Woody Guthrie tribute Little Seed, it's getting a new push.  Lovely computer-generated collage work.

Source: YouTube

"Summertime" - Orange Sherbet

Artist: Orange Sherbet

Song: "Summertime"

Album: Delicious

Description: Why, yes, it is the first day of summer.  So why wouldn't you post the delightfully animated parade of summertime fruits accompanied by the San Francisco band's playground chant?

Source: Vimeo