"Dogsled Ride" - The Flannery Brothers

Artist: The Flannery Brothers

Song: "Dog Sled"

Album: N/A (from an upcoming TV show series - The Knock Knocks - featuring the brothers, so this is actually a "Knock Knocks" song, but would that draw you in? Not so much, at the moment.)

Description: They play a song... while on a moving dog sled.  OK, there are some edits in there, but I repeat, playing a song while on a moving dog sled.

Source: Vimeo

"Felt Around the World" - Hand Aid

Artist: Hand Aid

Song: "Felt Around the World"

Album: N/A

Description: On April 1, 2012, the world's puppets came together to demand that puppets be taken seriously. Furry or felted, monster or marionette, puppets deserve to be treated with dignity and respect! We proudly present, "Felt Around the World."

The mission of Hand Aid is to provide support to all puppets, no matter their eye size, hairstyle, or nose color. Through song, word, and bug-eyed double-takes, we demand respect, dignity, and the right to be treated as equals.

Also, if we could raise some money to help kids at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, that would be awesome. Please consider purchasing at iTunes or your favorite online retailer!

Source: YouTube / Zooglobble announcement