Artist: Recess Monkey
Song: "The Dancin' Bear"
Album: In Tents
Description: "Rapper's Delight" meets the Big Top. Shake your bear thang, indeed.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Recess Monkey
Song: "The Dancin' Bear"
Album: In Tents
Description: "Rapper's Delight" meets the Big Top. Shake your bear thang, indeed.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Andrew Queen
Song: "Just Down the Road"
Album: GROW
Description: Pete Seeger meets Mark Bittman meets a really awesome goat cheese.
Source: Vimeo
Artist: Apple Brains
Song: "Apples X3"
Album: Get Fruity!
Description: Ren & Stimpy go to the lo-fi farmers' market.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Sasha Bondarev
Song: "Sand Castle"
Album: Sand Castle
Description: Jazzy showtune pop meets cute psychedelic apparitions meets studio time.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Caspar Babypants
Song: "Baby and the Animals"
Album: This Is Fun!
Description: Caspar Babypants meets mother-son fan team meets an emptied toy box.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Debbie and Friends
Song: "When You Were One"
Album: NA
Description: Sunny '70s pop meets anime meets Dr. Brazelton.
Source: YouTube
Artist: Orange Sherbet
Song: "Springtime"
Album: Delicious
Description: There has to be an old Sesame Street episode into which this funky, jazzy wordplay (with animation to match from Sarah Klein) could be seamlessly inserted, right?
Source: Vimeo