Hola Hello - Mariana Iranzi

Artist: Mariana Iranzi

Album: Hola Hello 

Age Range: 2 through 6

Description: Argentina-born and Boston-educated, bassist Iranzi's 2013 album continues her Latin kindie rock career with Hola Hello.  The song topics -- the colors of the rainbow, modes of transportation, monkeys unable to stay upon their beds despite repeated warnings from their mother -- stay clearly in the preschool camp.  The songs themselves, however, with their mostly (not exclusively) Spanish lyrics and usually laid-back eclectic musical vibe, may also work for a slightly older crowd.  (I particularly liked the Bebel Gilberto groove of "Barquito de Papel" and I thought "Arco Iris" was a very good bilingual introduction to colors.  Listen to samples here.  The kids music market is now swarming with Spanish-language disks.  This is one of the better ones, particularly for a more modern, but not still Latin, sound.  Recommended.

Note: I received a copy of this album for possible review. 

Book Review: Tito Puente: Mambo King / Rey del Mambo (Monica Brown / Rafael López


Author: Monica Brown 

Illustrator:  Rafael López

Age Range: 4 to 8

 BookTito Puente: Mambo King / Rey del Mambo 

Description: In bright, vivid colors and words to match the well-beloved Latin music legend, Brown and López tell the story of Puente's childhood and eventual decision to become a musician.  In this retelling, it's not so much a decision as it is a calling -- "Before he could walk, Tito was making music.  He banged spoons and forks on pots and pans, windowsills and cans."  It's not a terribly detailed biography, but there are some nice biographical touches (Tito's first band? "Los Happy Boys").  Displaying the text in both English and Spanish is a nice touch, and López's illustrations are vibrant.  (Watch a book trailer here.)  Recommended for fans of Puente and Latin music, or anyone seeking to expand their family's or classroom's musical knowledge beyond what is often in book form limited to rock and classical music.