Spaghetti Eddie and Other Children's Songs Volume 4 - Brendan Parker


Artist: Brendan Parker (aka Spaghetti Eddie)

Album: Spaghetti Eddie and Other Children's Songs Volume 4

Age Range: 2 through 6

Description: The Oklahoma-based Parker released his latest collection of preschool-friendly pop over the new year.  Like volumes 1 through 3, a lot of the music on Volume 4 tackles educational topics (defined broadly), like animals at the zoo ("Zoo Song") or more socio-emotional topics like sharing ("What's Mine Is Yours") and self-acceptance (the ba-ba-da-ing "I Am Me").  Adults may find some of the sillier songs ("Dance!," "Robot Ralph," and "Yawns Are..." chief among them) have more replay value precisely because they're not as overtly educational.

But Parker's refined his songwriting over the years -- in the course of this 26-minute album, he offers up more than his fair share of alternative pop hooks.  Fans of artists like SteveSongs and the Flannery Brothers will find themselves in familiar, and probably appealing, territory here.  Recommended.

Note: I received a copy of this album for possible review.