Listen to the Birds: An Introduction to Classical Music - Ana Gerhard

Artist/Author: Ana Gerhard (music selection) / Cecilia Varela (illustrator)

Book/Album: Listen to the Birds: An Introduction to Classical Music 

Age Range: 4 through 11

Description: Another book/CD collection from The Secret Mountain , this one uses bird-themed excerpts from classical music to introduce readers to some famous classical melodies and classical terminology.  Older readers will get a fair amount out of Gerhard's text (which also includes biographical info); readers of all ages will probably enjoy the charming illustrations of Varela.  I was impressed that the music Gerhard selected spans literally 500 years.  Be forewarned that the 20 selections from artists such as the London Symphony Orchestra are in many cases just excerpts.  So you might have to explore further, which wouldn't be the worst thing, right?  Recommended.