Artist: Helen Austin
Album: Always Be a Unicorn
Age Range: 4 through 8
Description: The British-born musician, now residing in British Columbia, Canada, recorded an album of poppy folk music that's kid-friendly without being "kids' music." Even "All the Letters," which runs through the alphabet, wouldn't sound out of place on an album not filed under "Children." (Indeed, the track "Treehouse" was already released on a non-kids album.) The music has a bit of a music-box quality -- it's gentle but occasionally exuberant and anchored by Austin's warm songwriting and clear, distinctive voice. (Listen to the album here.) Nominated for Best Children's Album at the 2013 Junos, Unicorn is recommended for those times when your family is seeking folk-pop that's more concerned with a kid's (or adult's) sense of emotional security rather than learning their letters.