Listen To This: "I've Got The World (for You)" - Justin Roberts (World Premiere!)

Justin Roberts’ “Wlid Life” album cover

You had me at “Justin Roberts.”

One of the kids musicians whose music has been part of our life since our first kid’s toddlerhood,, Justin Roberts, has a brand-new album coming out in just a month. It’s called Wild Life, and of course we’re very excited for it here at Zooglobble HQ, even though we’re long past the first year of parenthood, which is Roberts’ inspiration for his latest album.

With a name like Wild Life, you might think that the album is full of revved-up rave-ups — Roberts is pretty good at those — but tracks like “I’ve Got The World (for You)” are a little more reserved. Think “Wlid Life” as in messed up, tousled hair rather than anything disastrous. Roberts’ lyrical warmth and ear for hooks remains as sharp as ever, even as he plays more in the key of Paul Simon (hello, Graceland!) than Paul Westerberg.

I’m happy to feature a world premiere of “I’ve Got The World (for You)” for your listening pleasure. I’ve got a feeling this and the whole album will feature in a lot of parent-infant time in the year ahead.

Wild Life is out on February 28th — preorder or pre-save the album at your family’s favorite listening place here.

My Favorite (and the Best?) Kids Music of 2017

This past year has been challenging in terms of writing about kids music here at the site.  There are a variety of reasons for that -- you can read this post for a few thoughts in that regard -- but the fact remains I haven't reviewed as many albums.  I'm still receiving -- and listening to -- a lot of kids music, but those thoughts haven't been translated into words on a screen.  It took me, sadly, 'til the end of April 2017 to write up thoughts on the best kids music of 2016, for an album award year that ended more than 6 months before.

As for this most recent year, I did once again submit my votes for the annual Fids and Kamily Awards I co-coordinate.  You can read all about the 2017 Fids and Kamily Award winners here, but I do feel compelled to list my own ballot in the same year the awards were announced.  (Small victories, amirite?)

Looking over this list, I'm once again struck by how my own personal favorites once again fell back on familiar and long-time names....

Best Children's Album Nominees - 60th Grammy Awards

Since the Grammy Awards are celebrating their 60th awards on January 28, 2018, will they celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by giving all the winners diamond-encrusted-megaphone Grammy Awards?  That would certainly raise the suspense and interest in the winners, even in the smaller categories, up a notch.

But, sadly, I'm guessing the Recording Academy will not go to any such length, but we can still note the announcement of the 5 nominees for Best Children's Album.

Summer Road Trip Playlist!

Swing Set album cover

Beth Blenz-Clucas, proprietor of Sugar Mountain PR, has, for a number of years, compiled a summer road trip playlist featuring tracks from her clients.  This summer is no different, and there's a bunch of new and excellent tracks for your listening pleasure, including music from as-yet-unreleased albums from Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band, Danny Weinkauf, and Jazzy Ash, whose album Swing Set comes out July 21.  That's the very playful cover art over there.  (There's also music from artists like Lisa Loeb, Justin Roberts, and more.  Peep the list below.)

And while there's nothing definitively "road-trip-y" about the set (only Jazzy Ash's "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain" and Weinkauf's "Transportation") specifically suggest travel, it's an entertaining set nonetheless.  For the next week you can download it for free, but you can listen to it all summer.

Catching Up (with Reviews)

Let All the Children Boogie cover

As I noted a couple months ago, I'm trying to re-think how I write in-depth about music and how I write album reviews in particular, and promised I'd clear a number of albums off my plate, as it were.  Although it's not terribly well-known, I have a separate section of the site dedicated just to album reviews, which generally included shorter takes on albums.

Over the past week or so I've written a number of briefer reviews, and I didn't want folks who normally just stop by this main part of the site to miss them.  So here's my list...

The Playground Zone - Alphabet Rockers

Sugar Free Allstars - Sugar Free Allstars

Lemonade - Justin Roberts

Could Come True - Timmy Abell

Music Is Everywhere - Mista Cookie Jar

Let All the Children Boogie: A Tribute to David Bowie - Various Artists

The Rocket Went Up!: Sing-A-Long History Vol. 2 - The Deedle Deedle Dees

Funny Faces - Michael and the Rockness Monsters