You know, I tried to come up with a snappier/wittier headline for this, but all the possibilities -- "Alphabutt is Alpha-better than most!," "Do Ya Like Kimya?," "D'Juno Kimya Has a Kids' Album?" -- seemed, well, way too cheesy. (I gotta admit, though, I kinda like that last one.)
Still, I think you get the point. Kimya Dawson, who was the major contributor to the Juno soundtrack that an unexpected chart-topper earlier this year, has recorded a full-length kids' album called Alphabutt. Set to be released September 9, it's going to be one of the more high profile kids' albums of the year.
And I happen to have the cover art and tracklisting. So, courtesy of K Records, here you go...I like that cover art. I think kids'll find it hi-larious.
1. Little Monster Babies
2. Alphabutt
3. Bobby-o
4. Louie
5. Smoothie
6. I Like Bears
7. Seven Hungry Tigers
8. Happy Home (Keep On Writing)
9. Wiggle My Tooth
10. I Love You Sweet Baby
11. Pee-Pee In The Potty
12. Uncle Hukee's House
13. We're All Animals
14. Little Panda Bear
15. Sunbeams And Some Beans
You can go surfing on YouTube for lots of videos of Dawson performing many of these songs live. Here's a version of "I Like Bears" from January. It's one of my favorites from the album...