Austin Kid's Day Kicks Off Great Month of Austin Music

AKD logo-small.jpgI'm at home this week, doing some spring cleaning (yes, it's a summer thing), finishing the last Harry Potter book, and spending some quality time with my family.

Oh, I'm also going to Texas for the first-annual Austin Kid's Day.

Yes, on Sunday, Sept. 2nd, I'll be at the event, which features a fun kids and family music lineup, with Joe McDermott, the Biscuit Brothers, Trout Fishing in America, and headlining the show, Aunty E. There will also be a bouncy castle, which I may or may not be allowed to jump in.

I'll be at the show thanks to Aunty E. (Thanks, Aunty E!) I'm looking forward to hearing her live, along with the rest of the lineup. Look for pictures of, interviews from, and other thoughts about the show next week. (Also, I promise to reduce my prepositions.)

The show will take place at the Glenn at the Backyard. Doors will open at 1 PM on the 2nd, with music starting at 1:30 PM. Tickets are $17 for adults, $12 for kids, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than Schlitterbahn. (More details at the website.)

If any readers out there are planning on going, drop me a line -- I'd love to say hey.