Forty years ago today, ABC debuted The Point!, a cartoon with a story and music by Harry Nilsson. When the album was released later that year, it was arguably the first mid-career kids music album released by a major pop/rock musician. As an album, it still holds up many years later, everyone from the Barenaked Ladies to Adam Levy to Todd McHatton have cited Nilsson and The Point! as inspiration. The Asylum Street Spankers covered Nilsson on Mommy Says No!. And I think it's fitting we're celebrating that movie about someone making their way in a new world the same day we're world-premiering a video about someone making their way in a new world -- Gustafer Yellowgold is very much a spiritual heir to Oblio.
So in honor of Harry, here are a couple songs from the cartoon...
Harry Nilsson - "Think About Your Troubles" [YouTube]