Another day, another YAKMA (Yet Another Kids Music Article), this time from the fine folks at Tiny Mix Tapes, which I've been reading for a number of years now. (Really.)
It's a detailed article on the current crop of "adult" artists making kids music, with quotes from Saint Etienne's Bob Stanley and Paper Bag Records' Leila Hebden and a review of classic albums from years past. The article never really gets into which ones are "excellent" and which are "crappier than crappy nappies," but, oh well.
While I'm not sure it's of much news to regular readers here, the article certainly casts outside the regular cast of characters normally interviewed for a YAKMA. It also provides this one nugget of information that's news to me: Saint Etienne plans to release the Up the Wooden Hills EP as a full album in 2007. I knew that was the plan eventually, but had not seen a date (or an article with a Saint Eitenne quote) before. I've been meaning to review the EP for some time now -- better make sure I do that before the full album is released...