Ep. 59: Oddly, Mostly Brony-Free

Ep. 58: This Podcast Is a Gift That You Give Your Brain

Episode 19: He Says, Facetiously

This week's winner: People who are able to convince others to make music that can be sold at 3 cents per song.  I'm not sure there are many other winners in that exchange.

Subscribe to podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss


Kickstarters galore: Django Jones (aka Girlyman) debut album (Bake Sale podcast), Johnny & Jason: Be Alive! , The Hula Honeys: A Hui Hou,

Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer collecting donations of children's books and music for libraries in Papua New Guinea.

Episode 18: Apologies for the Phone Call

This week's winner: Paul Spring, clearly.

Also, people who remember to mute the phone before starting to record their podcast.  (Clearly, not me.  Sorry about that, folks.)

Subscribe to podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss


Kickstarters galore: NikosKids third albumAlphabet Rockers TV PilotHeidi Swedberg: My Cup of TeaDjango Jones (aka Girlyman) debut album (Bake Sale podcast), African Treehouse: Nursery Rhymes for Africa


Episode 17: Brief, or Maybe Not So Brief