Episode 19: He Says, Facetiously

This week's winner: People who are able to convince others to make music that can be sold at 3 cents per song.  I'm not sure there are many other winners in that exchange.

Subscribe to podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss


Kickstarters galore: Django Jones (aka Girlyman) debut album (Bake Sale podcast), Johnny & Jason: Be Alive! , The Hula Honeys: A Hui Hou,

Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer collecting donations of children's books and music for libraries in Papua New Guinea.

Episode 14: No Longer Rubber-Like in Their Consistency

Episode 13: Center of the Kindieverse / One Big Clip

This week's winners: the folks in Brooklyn, both because they get to go to Kindiefest, but also because I'm sacrificing my regular KWIR efforts in favor of finishing my​ work for Kindiefest.

Kindie News of Note


​Underbirds at Symphony Space

Raffi at Town Hall

Kindiefest Public Festival

Brady Rymer joins Laurie Berkner's band

FYI: New Releases: This week -- Underbirds' self-titled debut.

A new podcast: My Other Other Gig

Jeff Bogle - Out With the Kids


Billboard Children's Music albums (May 4)

Amazon Children's Music digital albums

iTunes Children's Music album chart

Amazon Children's Music physical album chart

CD Baby Kids Music album chart

iTunes Children's Music singles

Amazon Children's Music digital singles

Kids Place Live 13 Under 13 (Apr. 19, Apr. 12)

Episode 11: Who Knew Kids Were Such Big Fans of Vicki Lawrence?

This week's winner: advance planners.  Budget your kindie-related time and money accordingly, people!

Kindie News of Note

Justin Roberts announces track listing for Recess​, forthcoming in July.

Elizabeth Mitchell recording a Christmas album and working on another project [newsletter announcement]

Bill Harley to release Charlie Bumpers vs. The Teacher of the Year​ book this fall

Jiggle Jam 2013 lineup announced

The 10th anniversary of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!​ commemorated with a bunch of Mo Willems-related books including a box set featuring the first three pigeon books.

(FYI: New Releases: Next week -- DidiPopBunny in the Moon: Songs for Winding Down and Miss NinaSha Doo Be Doop!.  Plus stuff above.  And more.)

A new podcast: My Other Other Gig


Billboard Children's Music albums (Apr. 20)

Amazon Children's Music digital albums

iTunes Children's Music album chart

Amazon Children's Music physical album chart

CD Baby Kids Music album chart

iTunes Children's Music singles

Amazon Children's Music digital singles

Kids Place Live 13 Under 13 chart (Apr. 5)

Episode 9: A Broader Set of Swag

Episode 1: Introduction / Week of 1/28/13

This is the first episode of Kindie Music Week in Review, iTunes' most popular podcast that features a weekly review of kindie music news.  OK, I'm pretty sure it's iTunes' only podcast that features weekly review of kindie music news, but still.


Billboard album chart

iTunes album chart

Amazon digital album chart

Amazon physical album chart

CD Baby album chart

New Releases:  This week: Ella JenkinsGet Moving with Ella JenkinsSteveSongsOrangutan Van.  Next week: Moona Luna's Vamos, Let's Go!The Not-ItsKidQuake!