"Lover Not a Fighter" - Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips

ArtistMista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

Song: "Lover Not a Fighter"

AlbumUltramagnetic Universal Love Revolution

Description: It's the details in what would otherwise be a fairly typical performance video featuring MCJ and Ava Flava that make this a notch above -- the Soul Train footage in the background, the disco ball, the '70s-era font.  Plus, it's an undeniably groovy (and fun) track.

Source: YouTube

"Rock Melon" - Gustafer Yellowgold

In the world of Gustafer Yellowgold, food fights have been turned into a musical art form.  Jumping on cake, flinging pancakes, and now this -- "Rock Melon," which is the Queen arena-rocker about cantalope catapults Freddie Mercury never wrote.  Perfect for creator Morgan Taylor's spring "Rock Melon Tour."

Gustafer Yellowgold - "Rock Melon" [YouTube]​

"Rainy Days" - Tim and the Space Cadets

Artist: Tim and the Space Cadets

Song: "Rainy Days"

Album: Anthems for Adventure

Description: Whatever expertise you thought you had in constructing bed sheet forts and ships, you are nothing compared to these kids, grooving along to a bit of country-tinged pop.

Source: YouTube

"Don't Make Fun of the Goobler" - Elska

Artist: Elska

Song: "Don't Make Fun of the Goobler"

Album: Middle of Nowhere

Description: Another in Elska's series of Iceland-filmed videos, this one featuring her "own green home slice," the Goobler.  "My own green home slice," by the way, is my favorite kids music phrase of the year.

Source: YouTube

"I've Got Problems" - Kernel Klump

Artist: Kernel Klump

Song: "I've Got Problems"

Album: N/A

Description: If you were looking a robot to rap about his problems, stop right here.  He says it, and it's true, I know nothing about his problems.  (I'm sorry, the tiny little arms make me smile every time.)

Source: Vimeo

"Lucas!" - Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

Artist: Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

Song: "Lucas!"

Album: Ultramagnetic Universal Love Revolution

Description: Busy, busy, information overload, but it's nicely put together and, more importantly, is there any doubt that Mista Cookie Jar thinks Lucas is awesome?  No, no, there is not.

Source: YouTube

"The Crust Lady" - The Ukulady

Artist: The Ukulady

Song: "The Crust Lady"

Album: To the Downfall of Evil!

Description: Loopy.  Askew.  Slightly off.  So, of course, about 20% (30%? this isn't exactly precise) of you families will think this is awesome.  Are you one of the 20% (or 30%)?  The only way you'll know is to watch (give it at least a minute).  The animation is courtesy Will Guy from Goopymart.

Source: YouTube

"Sleep Eye" - Elizabeth Mitchell and You Are My Flower

Artist: Elizabeth Mitchell and You Are My Flower

Song: "Sleep Eye"

Album: Little Seed: Songs for Children by Woody Guthrie

Description: As I said in the main blog the other day, this is one gorgeously-filmed video.  As one would expect from the title, don't watch this one expecting to be rarin' to go.  Definitely one for the down times.

Source: Vimeo