"Up and Down" - Snapdragon Seeds

Artist: Snapdragon Seeds (AKA Steve Sanders)

Song: "Up and Down"

Album: Snapdragon Seeds

Description: The song itself isn't particularly compelling, but its video -- Bob Dylan meets refrigerator art meets green screen technology -- is very nicely done.

Source: YouTube

"Dogsled Ride" - The Flannery Brothers

Artist: The Flannery Brothers

Song: "Dog Sled"

Album: N/A (from an upcoming TV show series - The Knock Knocks - featuring the brothers, so this is actually a "Knock Knocks" song, but would that draw you in? Not so much, at the moment.)

Description: They play a song... while on a moving dog sled.  OK, there are some edits in there, but I repeat, playing a song while on a moving dog sled.

Source: Vimeo