"Rolling Down the Hill" - Justin Roberts

Artist: Justin Roberts

Song: "Rolling Down the Hill"


Description: A cute kid playing office, Justin mugging for the camera as he pretends to play Robbie Fulks' guitar solo, and a sweet fiddle-tinged folk song (with a fiddler to boot).  All that and one of my favorite closing lyrical lines in a kindie song this or perhaps any other year.

Source: YouTube

"Tails" - Red Yarn Puppet Band

Artist: Red Yarn Puppet Band 

Song: "Tails" 

Album: N/A

Description:  Though the spacy, almost otherworldly sound Red Yarn brings to the traditional folk song would have sounded just fine on his debut album The Deep Woods , this video actually predates (and doesn't appear on) the album.  For that reason alone, it's worth mentioning.  But also: puppets.  Six puppeteers strong.  I can't be the only getting Emmett Otter flashbacks...

Source: YouTube 

"King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O" - Laura Veirs

Artist: Laura Veirs

Song: "King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O"

Album: Tumble Bee: Laura Veirs Sings Folk Songs For Children

Description: This could easily be a long-lost Sesame Street, right down to the washed-out (watercolor) look of the animation.

Source: Dadnabbit / YouTube