"Fanny Pack" - Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Artist: Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Song: "Fanny Pack"

Album: Whoopty Whoop

Description: If you had told me that I would be posting a video that includes the use of Comic Sans, I would not have believed you.  But this lyric video for the first single from the Twin Cities' band forthcoming May 2014 album is so gloriously goofy (think of the song source), that I could not hold my churlish standards for long.

Source: YouTube

"Campin' Tent" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

Artist: The Okee Dokee Brothers

Song: "Campin' Tent"

Album: Can You Canoe?

Description: All I'm sayin' is that I'm not sure the stunt Joe pulls in this video makes me think he'd be a lousy camping partner or an awesome one.

Source: YouTube

"Haul Away Joe" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

Artist: The Okee Dokee Brothers

Song: "Haul Away Joe"

Album: Can You Canoe?

Description: A rousing modern rendition of a classic American tune.  The song (though not the video) features Garth Hudson from The Band on accordion.  You will be singing this all day.

Source: YouTube

"Up and Down" - Snapdragon Seeds

Artist: Snapdragon Seeds (AKA Steve Sanders)

Song: "Up and Down"

Album: Snapdragon Seeds

Description: The song itself isn't particularly compelling, but its video -- Bob Dylan meets refrigerator art meets green screen technology -- is very nicely done.

Source: YouTube