"Snow Globe (Live)" - Molly Ledford (Lunch Money)

Artist: Molly Ledford (Lunch Money)

Album: Original Friend (originally, anyway)

Description: As temperatures reach 100 degrees or more here, I'm more than happy to listen to this snow-inspired song and watch Ledford sing this in front of a wintry background.  I'm feeling a little cooler (and warmer) just watching.

Source: YouTube

"I Want to Push Buttons" - Lunch Money

Artist: Lunch Money

Song: "I Want to Push Buttons"

Album: Original Friend

Description: A live recording, though not "live" (no screaming/twirling/dancing kids jumping up front) of the most t-shirt-y band in kids music.  (I say that with much, much affection.  The t-shirt and jeans look of the band is part and parcel of who they are and I wouldn't want them any other way.)

Source: YouTube