Martykins & Friends - Martykins and Friends

Artist: Martykins and Friends

AlbumMartykins & Friends

Age Range: 4 through 8

Description:  I suppose any album gutsy enough to feature a song called "The Funky Lumberjack" had better be willing to follow through and, you know, be kinda funky.  Surprisingly enough, that song, off the debut album from bassist Martin McSweeney is, well, kinda funky.

It's also about a lumberjack (presumably that's him doing the bump with Grandma from "Grandma's Pantry" on the album cover), which gives you a sense of the free-for-all approach on the album. The bluegrass track "Magic Pick" features some nifty mandolin work from Shawn Cunnane; that track segues into the full-on Hammond B-3-assisted rock track "Ice Cream."

The 29-minute album moves by quickly, nothing earth-shattering, but at points, it's like a somewhat more cartoon-y Okee Dokee Brothers.  That's not a half-bad place to be.  Recommended.

The Colored Pencil Factory - Astrograss

Artist: Astrograss 

Album: The Colored Pencil Factory

Age Range: 3 through 8

Description: There's not a lot of bluegrass available for kids, but Brooklyn-based band Astrograss flies the newgrass flag proudly.  There are few traditional songs on the album ("Shortenin' Bread" and "Sail Away Ladies," to name a couple), but for the most part they're originals.  Some are more traditional in their approach to their subject matter ("Playground"), but more of the originals are songs that meander into and out of wild Shel Silverstein-inspired territory (a sick kid wishing for a "Brand New Nose," dreaming of life in colors from "The Colored Pencil Factory").  Although the subjects are geared toward kids, the solos are every bit as complex as what you'd hear on albums targeted at adults.

The 49-minute album is most appropriate for kids ages 5 through 9.    Recommended for bluegrass fans and for families looking for some variety in their daily diet of 3-minute kid-friendly pop-rock songs.