Let's Hear It for the Moms! - Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could

Let's Hear It for the Moms! album cover

Let's Hear It for the Moms! album cover

Artist: Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could

Album: Let's Hear It for the Moms!

Description: A seven-song sampler of previously-released maternally-related tracks from the New York roots-rocker, downloadable for free.  I would guess that this is a limited-time offer, so don't delay -- Mother's Day has come and gone, but celebrating the mothers in our lives, be it our own or others we know, doesn't go out of style.  I've always liked Rymer's take on "Mama Don't Allow," but all of them are worth the mp3 space.

Source: Bandcamp

"My Mom" - Danny Weinkauf

My Mom - single cover

My Mom - single cover

Artist: Danny Weinkauf

Song: "My Mom"

Album: N/A

Description: If there was a Broadway musical about moms targeted at your favorite 6-year-old, then this would be the soft-shoe dance number midway through the first act.  Tina Kenny, who plays bass in Weinkauf's Red Pants Band, duets with Weinkauf.  Adorbs.

Source: Bandcamp

"Mommies Song" - Poochamungas

Chicago-area band Poochamungas is offering a free download of their song "Mommies Song" just in time for... wait for it... Mother's Day!  It's from their first album Mud, Mommies, and Mayhem.  (It features some nice slide guitar work, among other things.)

You can download the track for free at the album's CD Baby page.  Go ahead -- there's still time to add it to your Mother's Day mix CD.

"Happy Mother's Day" - The Harmonica Pocket

Seattle-area band The Harmonica Pocket is gearing up for the release of their sixth album, Apple Apple, and one of the tracks on the new album, "Mother Mother," would be perfect for Mother's Day.  If only Mother's Day weren't coming up.... wait a minute...

This is a jazzy, reggae-touched tune with a simple message.  Stream it below, and add it to that mix CD you and the kids are making for the mom-figure (or figures) in your life.