"Jelly Beans!" - Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips

Artist: Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips

Song: "Jelly Beans!"

Album: N/A (upcoming release)

Description: Featuring a sugar-infused electro-blues (again, MCJ is kindie's hyphenate king) amped to 11, lyrical delivery from 14-year-old Ava Flava (with an assist from Mista Cookie Jar), this ode to the sugar- (or corn syrup-)filled candy winds up and up until it crashes at the very end.  The free download crashes (i.e., ends) just about the time your kids will crash after eating their Easter candy (i.e., sometime Easter Sunday).

Source: Bandcamp

"Just Another Finger" - Mista Cookie Jar


Artist: Mista Cookie Jar

Song: "Just Another Finger"​

Album: N/A

Description: ​This song was conceived of as part of Sirius-XM Kids Place Live's "Kindie Mashup" concert recorded just before Kindiefest 2013.  This isn't the live version (you'll have to listen to KPL for that), but it features MCJ's funkier take on already-kinda-funky Dog on Fleas song.  I dig this one.  And it's free, too.

Source: Bandcamp