"First Day" - The Board of Education

Artist: The Board of Education

Song: "First Day"

Album: N/A

Description: The braniac band's next album Binary is coming out late this month, they swear, but they've got a single for the first day of school just in time for, OK, 'round these parts it's, like, the fifth week of school, but I think there are still a few districts around the country respecting the no-school-before-Labor-Day rule.  A bit of a different sound, but still the mix of salty and sweet the band does so well.  They're the Kettle Corn of kindie.

Source: Soundcloud / Bandcamp

"Happy Mother's Day" - The Harmonica Pocket

Seattle-area band The Harmonica Pocket is gearing up for the release of their sixth album, Apple Apple, and one of the tracks on the new album, "Mother Mother," would be perfect for Mother's Day.  If only Mother's Day weren't coming up.... wait a minute...

This is a jazzy, reggae-touched tune with a simple message.  Stream it below, and add it to that mix CD you and the kids are making for the mom-figure (or figures) in your life.