"You Are Loved" - Hullabaloo

Artist: Hullabaloo

Song: "You Are Loved"

Album: N/A

Description: Not sure it's possible to release a much simpler song -- one voice, one guitar, one minute, and a couple dozen different words at most.  All to convey a simple and powerful message, "You Are Loved."  It's possible to sing this concept and have it sound trite.  To my ears, that isn't the case at all with this track.

Source: Bandcamp

"Jelly Beans!" - Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips

Artist: Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips

Song: "Jelly Beans!"

Album: N/A (upcoming release)

Description: Featuring a sugar-infused electro-blues (again, MCJ is kindie's hyphenate king) amped to 11, lyrical delivery from 14-year-old Ava Flava (with an assist from Mista Cookie Jar), this ode to the sugar- (or corn syrup-)filled candy winds up and up until it crashes at the very end.  The free download crashes (i.e., ends) just about the time your kids will crash after eating their Easter candy (i.e., sometime Easter Sunday).

Source: Bandcamp

Introducing the Jelly of the Month Club - Jelly of the Month Club

Artist: Jelly of the Month Club 

Album: Introducing the Jelly of the Month Club 

Description:  I hope to have a review of the debut album from this all-star band featuring SoCal ska/surf/soul musicians soon, but in the meantime, here's an opportunity for you to download the whole album.  It's "name your price," but since they're asking for donations to fund their next video, it'd be churlish not to throw in at least a buck or two (or more). 

Source: Bandcamp 

23 Skidoo Sampler EP - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo


Artist:​ Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

Album:​ 23 Skidoo Sampler EP

Description:​ A stellar 5-song EP from the talented kid-hop purveyor.  Includes the anthem "Gotta Be Me" and radio hit "Space Cadet."

Source:​ Bandcamp

Raise a Ruckus - Hullabaloo

Artist: Hullabaloo

Album: Raise a Ruckus

Description: The upcoming tenth album from the Southern California folk/country duo.  This album was produced by Tor Hyams and features guest musicians Molly Ledford, Marcy Marxer, and Buck Howdy.

Source: Bandcamp