Review: Deep Woods Revival - Red Yarn

Deep Woods Revival album cover

Deep Woods Revival album cover

Long before “kids music” was a category in the record store stacks or iTunes playlists, folk music was the heart of recorded music for kids.  And while folk music remains an integral part of kids music, in the modern kids music world, other genres -- rock, to be sure, but also hip-hop, reggae, and others -- have expanded their influence.

Now, I would argue that that increase in non-folk music in kindie has specifically been one of the major contributors toward the vitality of the genre, but others would also argue that something has been lost when the music that was part of the American culture for generations slips away.

Portland’s Andy Furgeson, a puppeteer and musician who records for families as Red Yarn, doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would rail against shifts in musical tastes.  Rather, he's viewing it as a challenge to be met head-on.  After all, if you title your latest album Deep Woods Revival, by definition you've decided to bring all the energy you can muster to new takes on old classics.

In the case of the traditional song “Buckeye Jim,” for example, it’s a fairly straightforward cover of the version Burl Ives recorded more than a half-century ago with some new lyrics added on.  For another track, “Animal Fair,” Furgeson merges two songs from Carl Sandburg’s famous American Songbag, pulling “The John B. Sails” into the mix.  Those are just two examples -- the entire album draws on a variety of folk music sources -- Alan Lomax, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Henry Spalding’s Encyclopedia of Black Folklore and Humor.

While the first half of the album is described as being for all kids, the liner notes suggests that the second half is for "brave kids and grown-ups."  That half includes songs touching on more serious topics, like death and the not-always benevolent nature of the animal world.  The album’s title track, the only song with entirely new music and lyrics, leads off that half and features a chorus of Portland-area musicians standing in for a forest’s worth of critters great and small having a revival.

I think the album is most appropriate for kids ages 3 through 10.  (I think the second half might be of more interest to kindergartners and older, but it's not inappropriate for even the younger set.)  You can stream the 36-minute album here.  I'd also note that the physical copy of the album features some lovely artwork (dioramas! maps! illustrations!) made by many people, but most notably Ryan Bruce (art direction and illustrations) and Heather Lin (album design).

Red Yarn’s fervor for American folk music is evident on Deep Woods Revival.  While folk music has never gone away in the children’s music genre, he forcefully makes the case for its continued relevance in the era of the mp3.  Highly recommended.

ote: I was given a copy of the album for possible review.

Itty-Bitty Review: I Like Everything About You (Yes I Do!) - Crosspulse Percussion Ensemble


There's lots to like in the first family music album from the Bay Area group Crosspulse Percussion Ensemble.  For example, the "Caravan"-esque sounds of "Body Beat."  The joyful take on the children's classic "Little Liza Jane."  The earthiness of the percussion in the eternally oddness "Coocoo."

These songs are the product of years of singing and playing these songs in front of tens of thousands of kids, and it has the energetic attitude you'd expect to hear from a group experienced in performing live.

The song selection is appreciably diverse, with selections from around the world.  It is akin to a Dan Zanes album (or maybe Elizabeth Mitchell album) without all the amplification.

In fact, it's that comparative lack of diversity, sonically, that may hold the album back from being totally embraced by some of the audiences the Ensemble certainly hopes to reach.  It is not necessarily an easy album to listen to in the back seat of the minivan.  I think the performances -- watching these musicians create music out of their mouths, bodies, and percussion instruments and rarely anything stringed or melodic -- would be far more powerful live.

The album is most appropriate for kids ages 3 through 9.  You can hear some selections from the 42-minute album here.

This review makes it sound like I enjoyed the album less than I did.  I liked it -- maybe I just wanted to like it more.  This definitely isn't electric power-pop, and families only seeking that candy-coated sheen should stay far away.  But families with Ella Jenkins, Dan Zanes, and Putumayo CDs in their collection will probably find this a nice combination of them all.  Recommended.

Video: "The Rattling Can" - Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke

Yes, I know that Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke have just released their newest album, Pleased To Meet You​ (and that I'd recommend it highly to you).

But there may be no KWMC song I hold in higher esteem than "The Rattling Can," off their debut album Rise and Shine​ (which I'd also recommend highly to you).  From the first time I heard it, I loved its energy and the way it took the traditional and reinvigorated it.

​So, yay, new video for the song!  Simply animated by Wilde himself, but lots of fun.  Make sure you stick around for the rare quark, rattling quark.

Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke - "The Rattling Can" [YouTube]​

Share: "Railroad Medley" - Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke

Pleased To Meet You web.jpg

Yay for new music from Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke!  That's right, their new album Pleased to Meet You​ is set for release next Tuesday and to help promote the release [edit: and to promote National Train Day on May 11th] they're offering "Railroad Medley" off the new album as a free download.

Folks, new AND FREE music from KWMC is cause for celebration, no matter the time of year.  Go here to grab your download (and listen to the rest of the album).​  Pretty sure you can guess at least one of the songs in the medley given the illustration below.

Little Red Caboose.jpg

Video: "Froggy Went a Courtin'" - Elizabeth Mitchell and You Are My Flower

I've never been a huge fan of the song "Froggy Went a Courtin'," if only because it just seems so linear -- this happens, then this happens, then this happens -- in nature.  But Elizabeth Mitchell is a cover artist par extraordinaire, and on her latest album Blue Clouds she and You Are My Flower turn the centuries-old song into lovely song you could envision hearing at a wedding -- amphibian or otherwise.

So it's probably appropriate that the video is set at a (non-amphibian) wedding, with a few simple animations mixed in.  Who wouldn't want Elizabeth Mitchell playing at their wedding?  Lovely all around.(Source: Goodyblog)

Elizabeth Mitchell and You Are My Flower - "Froggy Went a Courtin'" [YouTube]