Video: "The Skunk and The Robot" - Ratboy Jr.

I've always appreciated the low-key offbeat humor of New York duo Ratboy Jr. -- Timmy Sutton and Matty Senzatimore sing songs that would remind you of Roald Dahl or Shel Silverstein if they were both gentler and perhaps a little less sentimental.

So there's not much of a reason why I like "The Skunk and The Robot," a video off their latest album Hamster Dance except that it features, well, a skunk.  And a robot.  It's Ratboy Jr. in video form.  (And if you don't like skunks or robots, there's always "Sponges," which features Timmy and Matty in puppet form.)

Ratboy Jr. - "The Skunk and The Robot" [YouTube]

Video: "Robot Dance" - The Pop Ups

I watch a lot of kids music videos.  Some I like, others I don't, but for the most part into which category a particular video falls is more about execution and the song itself.

Every now and then, however, a video comes along which is so mind-blowing that simply to categorize it as good (or bad) seems not to do it justice.

Such is the case with "Robot Dance," the brand-new video from The Pop Ups.  The song itself is from the band's most recent album, the most-excellent Appetite for Construction.  The video is part of a video series the band is launching today, featuring a mixture of puppetry, live action, and animation.  The other four videos feature some new music, funny puppets, and what would appear to be regular "bits."

But this fifth video, for "Robot Dance," a "freeze" song, is... Well, the most accurate way I can put it is that it's bonkers.  Totally bonkers.  But in the best way.  So much love for this.

The Pop Ups - "Robot Dance" [YouTube]

Video: "Cakenstein" - Gustafer Yellowgold


Nobody would ever deny Morgan Taylor's taste for the absurd in his Gustafer Yellowgold videos.  Shops featuring clothing made of cheese?  Jumping on dessert from on high?  So, yes, Taylor can get into Shel Silverstein territory with the best of 'em.

But this, friends, is by far the oddest video yet, and I mean that as high praise.  Who would think of writing a song called "CAKENSTEIN" using the '70s-iest of soft rock?  And then it all goes horribly (wonderfully) awry.  Pick up the single on iTunes here, but without a doubt, enjoy the video below.

Gustafer Yellowgold - "Cakenstein" [YouTube]

Monday Morning Smile: "SuperBot - A Magnifying Mess"

I don't have a great deal to say about "SuperBot," an animated short that is also serving as a pilot from Argentina's Trexel Animation.  Well, other than it's cute and it's short, and it's 3 minutes of magnifying-glass fun.  Seems to me it would make a nice interstitial series.

Listen To This: Justin Roberts "Recess" Sampler

Yay, Justin Roberts' new album Recess  is out this week, and to further whet your appetite if you haven't already snagged your copy, Roberts has put a sampler featuring the first three tracks online.

Sadly, as the page notes, no pop-up robot included. 

Justin Roberts - Recess  sampler [Soundcloud]

The first three tracks from Justin Roberts Recess. Available now on Compact Disc. Includes a Pop Up Robot and special secret website access. Also available on iTunes. No Pop Up included.