Monday Morning Smile: "Let It Go" - Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel and the Roots

As with the last time I posted a clip of Jimmy Fallon and the Roots tackling a pop culture hit, I suspect that many of you reading this have already seen this (or at least had a half-dozen friends recommend it to you via social media).  But it's still great.

This clip from The Tonight Show of Jimmy FallonThe Roots, and Idina Menzel singing the big hit from Disney's Frozen, "Let It Go," aired the night after the song won the Oscar for Best Original Song.  I actually was never a huge fan of the song in the movie -- for a song about letting it all go, it never seemed to actually… let go.  No problem with that in this version -- I like the arrangement better (though that has nothing to do with the toy instruments) and Menzel gets to show off her voice even more.  Big smile.

Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel, and the Roots - "Let It Go" (from Frozen) [YouTube

Monday Morning Smile: Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, and Sesame Street

I'm not posting this because I think you haven't seen this -- if you're a semi-regular reader of this site, this appeared probably a dozen times or more in your social media feeds last week.

No, I'm posting this clip of Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, and a bunch of Sesame Street muppets singing the Sesame Street theme song on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon because I want to make sure I have easy reference to it. 

Oh, and because it's awesome. 

Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, and cast of Sesame Street - "Theme from Sesame Street" [YouTube