Video: "Say Hey!" - Mil's Trills (World Premiere!)

I know, we're in the midst of winter -- short days, overcast skies, and long sleeves.  (Even in the Arizona desert!)  So every now and then it's nice to see video clips clearly not filmed last week.

Now That We're Friends cover

This brand new video from Amelia Robinson AKA Mil's Trills definitely scratches that midwinter itch.  Filmed via GoPro while tooling around Brooklyn with friends, family, and random strangers on the street, "Say Hey!" from her latest album Now That We're Friends is a bright, sunny pop anthem celebrating friendliness and curiosity about your fellow human beings.  That's a sentiment worth getting behind any time of year.  Maybe specially in winter.

Anyway, the video gets a live biiiiig-screen premiere at Robinson's 7th Annual Winter Bash in Gowanus, Brooklyn this weekend, but I'm happy to be world-premiering the video (edited by Helen Murphy) for you today.  Enjoy!

(And, for what it's worth, I'm much more of a carrot man, myself.)

Mil's Trills - "Say Hey!" [YouTube]

Radio Playlist: New Music October 2015

This is the busiest time of the year for releases in the kids music world -- I would've held a couple of these back just to make the list a little shorter... but next month's will probably be just as long.  If you want to catch my list from September you can see that playlist here.

As always, it's limited in that if an artist hasn't chosen to post a song on Spotify, I can't put it on the list, nor can I feature songs from as-yet-unreleased albums.  But I'm always keeping stuff in reserve for the next Spotify playlist.

Check out the list here.

**** New Music October 2015 (October 2015 Kindie Playlist) ****

"Get Happy" - The Verve Pipe

"If You're Happy and You Know It" - Treva LaViva

"Breakfast Club (feat. Carly Ciaricchio)" - Tim Kubart

"Magic Elevator" - Hot Peas 'n Butter

"Love Is the Way" - Sunshine Collective

"All of the Colors" - Mil's Trills

"Bird's Tweets. Presto leggiero" - The Amazing Keystone Big Band

"Grapes" - Andrew & Polly

"Peach Tree" - Alex and the Kaleidoscope

"Verduras" - Jose-Luis Orozco

"Goin' to the Pool" - The Bug Family Band

"Speedy Hill" - Dad-a-Razzo

"This Land is Your Land" - Rolie Polie Guacamole

"The End" - Caspar Babypants

Radio Playlist: New Music February 2014

January continued to be slow in terms of new album releases, so I've slid into early February when it comes to my playlist of songs from disks that have crossed my desk or hard drive (see the December playlist here).  As always, it's limited in that if an artist hasn't chosen to post a song on Spotify, I can't put it on the list, nor can I feature songs from as-yet-unreleased albums.  But I'm always keeping stuff in reserve for the next Spotify playlist.

Check out the list here or go right here if you're in Spotify.

**** New Music February 2014 (February 2014 Kindie Playlist) ****

Ken Kurland – On My Way Home
Sophie & Les Petits – Joyeux Anniversaire
Robert M. Charde – Jean Lafitte
Linda Marie Smith – Surrender to the Sea
Mama Mac – Pajama Train
Ella Jenkins – Eight Clay Pigeons
Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym Jam – Stay in the Pool
Mil's Trills – Brooklyn
Mr. S & the Sandbox Band – Delaware Street
Clint Perry & The Boo Hoo Crew – Tire Swing