Video: "Giant & Colossal Squid" - Marsha and the Positrons (feat. Barry Louis Polisar) (World Premiere!)

You know how with the pandemic we’re all going back and finding shows to watch that have been around for a couple years or more? Well, creators sometimes do the same thing, too.

Take, for example, this video for “Giant & Colossal Squid” from DC-area musician Marsha Goodman-Wood, leader of Marsha and the Positrons. The song was on their 2018 album Positronic. The video was actually filmed at about the same time the album was released — that’s why, you know, you have the oh-so-2018-vibe of a whole band dancing right next to one another. It just took a couple years for the proper combination of time and talent to come together properly to make the final video you see today.

It’s a little goofy; mostly educational; mixes puppets, animation and live action; and on top of that you have the slightly subversive kindie music legend Barry Louis Polisar as the voice of a squid. Worth the wait, happy to give the video its world premiere here.

Marsha and the Positrons - “Giant & Colossal Squid” (feat. Barry Louis Polisar) [YouTube]

Video: "Sheep Don't Wear Shoes" - Marsha Goodman-Wood (World Premiere!)

Though I've been listening to kids music for about 15 years now, I can still be surprised by what tickles my fancy.  What was it then about this video for "Sheep Don't Wear Shoes," a simple little ditty from Marsha Goodman-Wood, off her album Gravity Vacation?  The gentle (though not over-the-top) message of independence?  The big-eyed sheep illustrated by Danielle Dekoker and assembled into video form by fellow kids musician Patricia Shih?  The fact that it stars sheep (I do like my animated sheep)?

I'm still not entirely sure, but I liked it enough to be happy to world-premiere the video this morning.

(Plus, my last name is "Shepherd.")

Marsha Goodman-Wood - "Sheep Don't Wear Shoes" [YouTube]