Best Kids Music of 2013: Top 25 Albums

If there was a theme to 2013, it was that of collaboration.  Most of the news I was excited about revolved around kindie artists reaching out.  Oh, sure, I've been talking about collaborations for a while now, but it seemed like every week news of a new partnership was announced -- Dan Zanes and Elizabeth Mitchell, for example, or Todd McHatton and, well, everybody in the kindie world.  And it wasn't limited to fellow musicians.  Laurie Berkner, Lunch Money, and Melissa Levis (AKA Moey) made musicals; Alison Levy is working on one and Justin Roberts might be.  Recess Monkey finished their second circus show.  And there are plenty of kids musicians who are still seeking that brass ring of TV.

To me, that's a sign of a couple things, one slightly worrisome, one not.  The worrisome thing is the sense that people are worried about making a living just from music.  Not those particular artists necessarily, but if artists in this age of Spotify are worried about making a living from selling their music to just their fans, then one way to respond is to sell their music to (hopefully) a broader audience.  Or to bring their music to different audiences altogether.  Given the risk of not making their money back after investing in an album (why do you think Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites hit a tipping point in the kindie world this year?), artists are looking to diversify and spread that risk around.

The non-worrisome thing is that artists are looking for different challenges to keep themselves interested and their creative juices flowing.  That sort of risk-taking may not (heck, will not) succeed every time artistically and commercially, but for an ecosystem as a whole, that's a good thing.

In the end, though, no matter how many different people musicians reach out to, as a listener I'm still focused on the music itself.  This year's list of top albums was every bit as hard to select as in prior years.  Looking back at calendar year 2013 (which is different from the year that I've defined for this exercise -- Nov. 1, 2012 through Sept. 30, 2013, to match Fids & Kamily), I reviewed more than 80 albums and I would guess that that reflects barely a quarter and certainly less than one-third of what I received.  So that means these albums reflect the top 10%, maybe even less, of what I heard this year.

In talking with someone the other day, I said that I didn't necessarily think the very top albums -- the top 5 or 10, perhaps -- were significantly better in quality than the same albums 5 or even 10 years ago.  It's the depth the "bench," so to speak -- the 25th best album of the year is better than the 25th best album probably 5 and definitely 10 years ago.

With all that said, it's time to list my 25 favorite kids music albums of the year.  These are listed in preference order, starting with my very favorite, though as you'll see, my interest in making fine distinctions was… diminished from prior years.  Thanks to these artists (and many others) who made music for families worth sharing this past year.  Onward to 2014!

In filling out my Fids and Kamily ballot, I couldn't decide between my two favorite albums of the year. Luckily, that's totally OK, you can have ties on the ballot.  So these albums are tied for #1.


Justin Roberts


Review - "Many of Roberts' songwriting hallmarks are on display in Recess, starting with the irresistible title track.  Child narrator with enthusiasm on full display?  Check.  Internal rhymes?  Check.  Spelling?  Check.  (OK, I wouldn't necessarily suggest that spelling is one of Roberts' hallmarks.)  All that wrapped in powerpop that seems that seems like it can't get any more powerpoppy until he finds the amp that goes to 11."


Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke

Pleased To Meet You

Review - "Pleased To Meet You is fabulous, an energetic blend of Americana and punk, of empathy and third-grade snark."

In a fit of indecision, I ranked the other eight albums on my F&K ballot as tied.  Seems like it would be a bit generous to rank them all as tied for third, but we're generous people around here.  So, alphabetically, here is the rest of my Top 10:


Frances England

Blink of an Eye

Review - "Many of the songs are fleeting glimpses -- memories -- of family life and parenthood.  "Blink of an Eye" is the most obvious, but it's the dreamy "Salt Water Spin" and "Look How the Light Dances with Trees" that feel like England telling herself -- and by extension her family and us, the listeners -- 'Don't. Forget. This.'"


Billy Kelly


Review - "AGAIN! is an album that had me smiling throughout much of it, and it's not just because it's funny.  It's because Kelly's joy in his song's characters comes through crystal clear."


Lesley and the Flying Foxes

A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo

Review - "It's like a cabaret show for kids -- seriously, this needs to happen -- and the comparisons to artists like Regina Spektor and Nellie McKay in their wide-ranging musical approach are apropos."


The Not-Its!


Review - "There's something to said for the methodic steps the band's taken, because KidQuake is their best album yet, a blast of fresh air, and a ton of fun."


Recess Monkey

Deep Sea Diver

Review - "All the qualities that have endeared Recess Monkey to thousands of families nationally from their Pacific Northwest perch are in ample display on their brand new album Deep Sea Diver . Humor (the wry look at those scavenging birds in the mellow Beatles-esque "Seagull" or the punny title of "Choral Reef"), kid-focused topics (disco-dancing with "Walkie Talkies" and complaining about being short in "Shrimp"), and, yes, hooks galore."


Justin Roberts


Review - "For the follow-up to his masterful album Jungle Gym, Roberts didn't choose to write another album of perfect pop and power-pop songs...  Instead, kindie's finest songwriter stretched in a slightly different direction, writing an entire album of, well, if not exactly lullabies, then at least songs for downtime."


Dan Zanes and Elizabeth Mitchell with You Are My Flower

Turn Turn Turn

Review - "There are a handful of dance songs for fans of Zanes' dance parties and some songs that showcase Mitchell's warm yet crystalline voice.  But the album's biggest strength is that this album of two of kindie's biggest stars features those musicians getting together to play songs humbly and joyfully."

The next 5 albums listed alphabetically below are the ones I hated to have to leave off my Fids & Kamily ballot/Top 10 list.  They're the albums that, in a different mood, on a different day, might have appeared on that list.


Chris Doud, Willy Tea Taylor, and more

Color This Album

Review - "There's the country bluegrass of "Larry the Frog," the Woody Guthrie absurdity of "Hop in the Car," and the bluesy lament "Lullaby to Stellaouise."  Or perhaps you'd prefer Bob Dylan-in-silly-mode "Crayons," the bluegrass raveup "Thirteen Bears" (it's the number of bears on the shirt, in case you're wondering), and the stone-cold classic of parental frustration/unconditional love 'Take You Into My Arms.'"


Lori Henriques

The World Is a Curious Place To Live

Review - "Lori Henriques clearly practices what she sings, offering up celebrations of the world outside of ourselves.  Her jazzy-pop-by-way-of-Broadway-and-Carnegie-Hall is still unique in the world of kids music and worth being curious about."


Alastair Moock

Singing Our Way Through: Songs for the World's Bravest Kids

Review - "Singing Our Way Through might not be the first album a family thinks of to purchase for their own family, assuming that their family hasn't been struck with a serious disease.  And the first couple tracks, "I Am the Light" and "When I Get Bald," deal with cancer head-on.  But once you get past that, the songs just deal with tough times and humor in those tough times."


Shine and the Moonbeams

Shine and the Moonbeams

Review - "While it's the songs that deal with real-life social issues like bullying and self-respect that could give this album a long shelf life with schools and families, I'm also looking forward to sillier, groovier, jazzier songs along the lines of "Do You Ever Stop" and "Shake for Eight."  Lots of fun, lets hope the success of this one makes the follow-up come out faster."


Heidi Swedberg

My Cup of Tea

Review - "You can appreciate My Cup of Tea  as a straight-up album of music from folk and world traditions played with verve and imaginatively arranged.  But I think you'll get more out of it if you think of it as a variety show without the banter, skits, and sponsor thanks."

The next 5 albums (again, alphabetically by artist and, if you're keeping score at home, albums 16 through 20) are definitely top 20 material.


Lloyd Miller

S.S. Brooklyn

Review - "Interspersed with [the] familiar songs are some newer songs, more intimate to the neighborhood -- personal history rather than history writ large."


Cat Doorman (aka Julianna Bright)

Cat Doorman Songbook

Review - "But even more important to the album than a spirit of peace and love is the celebration of do-it-yourself and individual expression.  Songs like "Oh, the Inspiration!" and "Yeah!," as different as they are sonically, speak of the spark that drives people to create and express themselves."


Underbirds (aka Todd McHatton and Morgan Taylor)


Review - "But few of these pop gems sound like they were crafted with your local 5-year-old front-of-mind.  Rather, they're songs about friendship and daring and love and (especially) nature that happen to be kid-friendly."


Dean Jones

When the World Was New

Review - "When the World Was New is an intimate album inspired by big questions -- why are we here? what are we doing? where are we going to? -- but never feels like a boring textbook.  Instead, Jones' album is a series of (musical) essays that might prompt a few questions in the listeners' own minds, young and old."


Paul Spring

Home of Song

Review - "Home of Song is an ode to books and stories, and to the families who nurture them. I don't know if the family who reads and sings together stays together, but albums like this one make a convincing argument."

Finally, as I was trying to narrow down the final 5, I realized I just couldn't, and after all these other times of stopping at an arbitrarily-defined round number, I decided I'd stop at an arbitrarily-defined unround number. Here, then, are the final 7 albums in my Top 25, er, 27 albums of 2013


Sandra Boynton

Frog Trouble

Review - "On Frog Trouble, Boynton and her musical partner, the arranger Michael Ford, offer up another dozen songs of often surreal and animal-based nature... But a number of the songs, some of them the album's strongest, play it mostly straight -- Alison Krauss' lovely take on "End of Summer Storm" and Ryan Adams performing "When Pigs Fly," which takes that absurd premise and turns it into something beautiful."


Caspar Babypants

Baby Beatles

Review - "I don't think any Beatles cover album is essential -- just listen to the originals -- but Baby Beatles is just different enough to hold the listeners' attention far more than they would for some random (often Muzak-inspired) cover."


Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band


Review - " By marrying his bubbly pop songs to a new language, he's given the songs new life and suggested an alternative route to non-English music for kids."


Moona Luna

Vamos, Let's Go

Review - "Velasquez also turns lots of... basic preschooler and early-elementary school topics -- writing letters, telling time, the seasons -- into tightly-written songs that mimic the distinctive keyboards, rhythms, and vocal harmonies of post-Bill Haley rock-n-roll."


Pointed Man Band

Swordfish Tango

Review - "Let's put it this way - it's an album that besides featuring a song about an invisible duck and Western Washington witches, it includes a song about dancing without pants -- in French.  (Plus, of course, the title song, in 3 parts.)"


The Verve Pipe

Are We There Yet?

Review - "The band fully embraces its role of class clown with songs that will put smiles on the faces of all but the most curmudgeonly of listeners.  Fans of A Family Album  will find this every bit as winning..."


The Watson Twins

Pioneer Lane

Review - "This new album moves their folk/rock/alt-country sound out of the sanctuary and into a barn somewhere for a late-afternoon picnic that stretches into a moonlight night.  The whole effect is mesmerizing, the sisters' harmonies reverberating on both the slow and uptempo tracks."

Best Kids Music of 2013: Top 10 Debuts

Every year I wonder whether there are going to be any musicians who decide to turn their attention to making music for kids, and every year I am not disappointed.  It's a silly attitude to take on my part, because doing these sorts of follow-up looks back at the year gives me hope and tells me I should stop wondering, that right now somebody I've never heard of -- and who may never have heard of these artists or any of the other artists on this site -- is for the first time recording music for kids and families that's going to be great.

Here are my top 10 debut albums from 2013, with "2013" defined as being "between November 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013," coinciding with the Fids & Kamily 2013 voting year.  Sometimes debuts drop through the cracks thanks to the slow pace of reviewing, so albums like Vered's Good Morning My Love and Helen Austin's Always Be a Unicorn (which were October 2012 releases, and so just miss the November 1, 2012 starting point) somehow didn't make my list of top debuts from from 2012, either.  And of course, there are post-September 30, 2013 albums like Red Yarn's The Deep Woods and Introducing Jelly of the Month Club that I would not be surprised to see on this list next year.

One other caveat -- there some debuts from experienced kindie folks who made music with new friends. Debuts from Underbirds, Todd & Cookie, and more might very well have made this list were it not for the fact that those participants, artists like Todd McHatton, Morgan Taylor, and Mista Cookie Jar, aren't new to the kids music world.

So here they are, in alphabetical order. It was hard picking the list this year -- there were a couple albums that I thought would make it but somehow got squeezed out by all the other wonderful talent here.  Which must mean that there are a lot of musicians who think that trying their hand at making great music for kids is a worthwhile endeavor.


Cat Doorman

The Cat Doorman Songbook

Review - "reminds families of the worlds and possibilities that lie outside our door, if only we're willing to see them and create them ourselves"


Crosspulse Percussion Ensemble

I Like Everything About You Yes I Do!

Review (Coming Soon!) - Old-school rhythm, with soul to spare.  It doesn't sound a lot like most of the other albums on this list, and that's one of its strengths.


Chris Doud, Willy Tea Taylor, and More

Color This Album

Review - "It's a romp through a world of animals and imagination, and the long-awaited (spiritual) sequel to the classic Bloodshot Records album The Bottle Let Me Down."


Lesley and the Flying Foxes

A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo

Review - "It's got a sense of wide-eyed wonder at, and celebration of, the human experience."

Boxtop Jenkins

You're Happier When You're Happier

Review - I"f you're going to title your album "You're Happier When You're Happy," you darn well better deliver an album that makes listener happy (or happier).  And on his debut, floppy-eared Boxtop Jenkins, the creation of singer-songwriter Franklin Bunn and producer Glenn Matullo, do indeed."


Martykins & Friends

Martykins & Friends

Review - "I suppose any album gutsy enough to feature a song called "The Funky Lumberjack" had better be willing to follow through and, you know, be kinda funky.  Surprisingly enough, that song, off the debut album from bassist Martin McSweeney is, well, kinda funky."


Pointed Man Band

Swordfish Tango

Review - "A combination of Tom Waits and Shel Silverstein, the Beatles and Parisian cafes, the music smells of hardwood floors and flannel and wood construction blocks."


Shine and the Moonbeams

Shine and the Moonbeams

Review - "While it's not really the first R&B and soul album in kids music, it's the first that got the sometimes insular "kids music world" excited."


Paul Spring

Home of Song

Review - "Home of Song is an ode to books and stories, and to the families who nurture them."


The Watson Twins

Pioneer Lane

Review - "a tiny jewel of an album that will give the listener a warm, fuzzy glow…"

May Z7: You Can Still Get These Awesome Songs (Today)

Here is my occasional reminder for you to sign up for (or open up) the Zooglobble newsletter.  Newsletter recipients get the occasional Z7 newsletter featuring 7 tracks from 7 artists, downloadable for free for just 7 days.

The May Z7 was sent out last weekend, and I'll be removing the links for these songs today:

Dean Jones: "Snail Mail"

Owen Duggan: "The Rhino Song (Nobody Knows What a Rhino Knows)" 


Underbirds: "Moth" 

Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band: "Gato Astronauta" 

Lesley and the Flying Foxes: "What's Gonna Happen Today?"

Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke: "Raised By Trolls" 

Toronto Chamber Orchestra / The Secret Mountain: "Toy Symphony" 

If you sign up today (Sign up today), I'll make sure you get the links for these.  And even if you get to this late, there will be more Z7s.  Do 


Play List: Again with the Little Boy Blue Birthday Playlist

We had a birthday party recently for Little Boy Blue and while it wasn't necessarily close to his actual birthday, we didn't worry much about that. 

But the mix CD for guests, yeah, that we (OK, I) sweated over a bit.  And so for something like the fifth consecutive year (although I guess the most recent mix here is from a couple years ago) , guests got a mix CD of mostly -- but not entirely -- kids music.

Here's the playlist and, for those of you on Spotify, you too can enjoy the home experience via the Spotify playlist or direct link or widget below.


They Might Be Giants – Figure Eight
Stevie Wonder – Sir Duke
Dean Jones – Snail Mail
Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke – Bigga Bagga
The Board of Education – I'm Not Here Right Now
Psy – Gangnam Style (강남스타일)
Lesley & the Flying Foxes – I Love To...
Ratboy Jr. – High 5 Your Shadow
Shine and the Moonbeams – High Five
Play Date – Anyone Can Sing
They Might Be Giants – Tubthumping - feat. the Onion AV Club Choir
Caspar Babypants – Too Dirty To Love
Boxtop Jenkins – Wag More (feat. Indigo Girls)
Recess Monkey – Fish Sticks
Paul Spring – Home of Song
Stevie Wonder – Uptight (Everything's Alright)
Billy Kelly – Don't Tell Me That I Don't Know What I Know (When You Know That You Don't Know What I Know That I Know)

Bill Harley & Keith Munslow – It's Not Fair to Me
Cat Doorman – Peaceful
The Not-Its! – Let's Skateboard
Counting Crows – Accidentally In Love
Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band – A Bailar
Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke – Take Ten
Justin Roberts – All For You
Renee & Jeremy – Give It Away

Duplex – Figure 8


Weekly Summary (5/20/13 - 5/26/13)

Review: A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo - Lesley and the Flying Foxes

In early April I stumbled across Lesley Kernochan, a Colorado-based musician who around New Year's released her first album for families, A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo​.  I'd listened most of the songs on her website, and wanted to hear the whole thing through.  Like is often the case with artists who record for adults and then decide to make music for kids, I had this feeling -- mixed with fear, perhaps -- that she'd recorded this album without enough thought of how to get the album out to the kindie world at large and that it might land like the proverbial tree in the forest without a sound.

So let me start by saying that I'm utterly and unequivocally charmed by this ​album.  It's got a sense of wide-eyed wonder at and celebration of the human experience.  The album kicks off with a jazzy Broadway strut, "What Is The Purpose of My Eyebrows" (which she describes as "like two islands stranded in the middle of the sea which is my face"), complete with bassoon, flute, and bassoon.  "What's Gonna Happen Today?" is a gentle chamber pop tune featuring vibraphone that even gets a bit meta ("I didn't know / That I was gonna sing this song with you.").  And if that's all too lovey-dovey for you, the next song explains "The Cycle of Poo," which, yes, celebrates that even gross things "deserve a hearty toast."

So the album proceeds, with Kernochan tearing fearlessly through musical styles such as the gentle lullaby ("Good Morning Everything," which features some lovely vocalizing), '40s and '50s big-band ("Me"), and even beatboxing /hair-metal combo ("I Love To...").  And she's recruited an able set of guest musicians (the "Flying Foxes") to give her songs (even more) wings.  It's like a cabaret show for kids -- seriously, this needs to happen -- and the comparisons to artists like Regina Spektor and Nellie McKay in their wide-ranging musical approach are apropos.  (The closest kindie equivalent would probably be Lori Henriques.)  But I don't want you to get the impression it's showy all the time -- some of the best tracks here are the gentlest, like "Hugs Are Awesome" and "Thank You for Singing with Me," which employees a small chorus of kids to good effect.  

Kids ages 3 through ​8 will probably most enjoy the album.  You can listen to album tracks at Lesley's music page.

So in late April I was at Kindiefest and ​who should I meet while I was there but Kernochan herself.  I hadn't known she was going to attend when I reached out to her earlier in the month, but I was very happy to see her there because it was more proof she's taking the long view on making music for families and that A Day in the Life of a Boogaleeboo​ won't be the last we hear from her.  Welcome to the fold, Lesley.  It's a lovely and joyous debut, one I expect to be on my Top 10 album list for 2013.  Highly recommended.

[Disclosure: I was provided a copy of the album for possible review.]