Hey, Podcasts!

Apologies for a moment of self-promotion where I remind you that if you want to hear my radio-ready voice on NPR more than once every three or four months, you are welcome to sign up for any of the three Zooglobble-related podcasts as noted below.  Listen to them here on the site, put them into your RSS feed, or download 'em via iTunes.


Kindie Week in Review - The original Zooglobble podcast, and the fastest six (to ten) minutes in kindie music (faster if you listen at double speed!).  Listen to me give you some highlights from the week's kindie news and other news from kid-friendly media, along with a discussion of chart news.  Airs weekly (usually).

Subscribe to podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss 


My Other Other Gig  - This podcast features conversations with kids musicians and others in the kindie world about non-kindie topics.  Inspired by conversations I've had with kindie musicians about stuff that had nothing to do with kids music, MOOG lets you know what (else) makes kids musicians tick.  Or ticked off.  Airs a couple times a month (I hope).

Subscribe to podcast: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/my-other-other-gig?format=rss 


Bake Sale  - Finally, the newest podcast features Kickstarter and other crowdfunding projects while  they're in the process of seeking funding.  Not just for kids music, but for any project seeking to serve kids.

I'd also note that because Kickstarter and crowdfunding projects sometimes operate on a limited timeframe I'm not always able to interview everyone I'd like for the podcast, so I've started highlighting other projects exclusively on the website.  (I'm calling them "Non-Casts.")  Airs a couple times a month (with Non-Casts more frequent). 

Subscribe: iTunes / http://zooglobble.com/bakesale?format=rss  

Weekly Summary (3/25/12 - 3/31/12)

A day late and a dollar short... meaning, a day later than I'd hope to have posted this and not quite as much stuff (only seven new items, plus upcoming releases), but still plenty for your perusal.

Blog: Monday Morning Smile - "The Birthday Card"

Videos:"Laurie and Me" - Laurie Berknert (from Sing It, Laurie!) 

Listen to Music:​ The Monkey Dance (All the Kids Are Doin' It) - The Sweet Colleens / Easy - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo / Family Values - Charity and the JAMband 

Free Music:​ Freebee (Sampler) - Yumzah! (Steve Lee) 

Kids Music Reviews:​ ​Sad panda... none.

Upcoming Releases: It's spring.  Always new news this time of year.

Podcasts:Kindie Week in Review Episode 9: A Broader Set of Swag


Kindie Week in Review Podcast

Hey!  Did you know I have a podcast?​

You probably didn't, because I didn't promote it, due in no small part to the fact that I couldn't get the thing into the podcast directory in the iTunes Store.  But that problem is now solved, and since I've got six podcasts under my belt and a seventh set for release later this week, I think it's time to make sure you all know:​

I have a podcast!​

It's called Kindie Week in Review, and it's a quick rundown of the week's kindie chart news and other kindie news of note.  ​That's right, now you can hear me talk about Kidz Bop and kindie-friendly SXSW showcases in the same podcast, and all in about ten minutes (less if you like listening to your podcasts at faster than normal speed, as I do).

You can download and subscribe to it in iTunes here or just plug this link into your podcast app of choice:​ http://zooglobble.com/kindie-week-in-review?format=rss.  And any reviews and ratings of the podcast in the iTunes store -- even poor ones -- would be greatly appreciated, as would comments directly to me.

Hope you enjoy it.​