Interview: Amy Lee

Amy Lee and rubber duckie friend

I will admit that Amy Lee was not high on my list of artists I expected to release a kids' album, but after doing this for fifteen years, I probably shouldn't have been, given the long list of artists who have dipped their toes into the kindie pool.

Of course, the idea that Amazon Music would be a thing, much less the entity releasing Dream Too Much, Lee's entry into the kids music world, would have been fanciful fifteen years ago as well.

So let us accept that the co-founder and lead singer of Evanescence has brought her powerful voice to bear on songs about bees, ducks, donkey, chickens, and more.  The album was inspired in part by the birth of her son Jack, whose toddler brain came up with lines like "monkey in the band" and "muffins are sleeping" that found their way into the title track.  Dream Too Much the album is available to Amazon Prime members for streaming and the rest of the world to purchase on September 30, but you can read a few thoughts from Lee below on growing up, song inspirations, and his son's favorite instrument.

Zooglobble: What are your first musical memories of growing up?

Amy Lee: You know, one of the things that had a real impact on me as a little girl was Fraggle Rock.  I used to watch it before school when I was 6 or 7.  I have realized, seeing it again as an adult, how awesome and musical it was.  There was an original song in just about every episode, and there was so much depth and creativity in it.  Jim Henson is one of my all time heroes.  Even as a kid, what's always attracted me to music most is when it digs into your soul and makes you feel.  My first favorite songs were by Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, The Temptations, Whitney Houston, Jeff Healey....

How did you go about choosing the songs for Dream Too Much?

Well all of the originals were totally inspired by my 2 year old son, Jack.  I was writing those songs before I knew I wanted to make an album just naturally, to connect with him. Then it became this fun, elaborate project, and my mission was always making music I thought he would love. Most of the songs we chose to cover relate to my childhood memories and my family.  "Rubber Duckie" and "Goodnight My Love" are both songs my dad sung and played to all of us kids when we were young, many times.  I wanted to get a good recording of my dad doing those for us all to have forever, that was the original reason that my father and I got together to record this year. 

What your musical hopes and dreams for your son?

I just want him to follow his heart and do what makes him really happy, whether that's music or not.  Of course I would LOVE for him to grow into a musician and take an interest in that.  Music is a huge part of my life so it would be really amazing to share that interest.  He already seems to have rhythm, if that's even possible.  Maybe its just a toddler thing but he absolutely loves drums and percussion. Hitting stuff and making different sounds. I love it!

Photo credit: Drew Reynolds

Video: "Dream Too Much" - Amy Lee

Dream Too Much album cover

Clearly Amazon Music is moving full steam ahead in developing a label of exclusive releases.  They started out slowly, but now in addition to The Pop Ups and Recess Monkey, they've got Lisa Loeb, The L (featuring Bob Schneider), and Amy Lee.  The singer (probably best known as the leader of Evanescence) is a parent of a toddler, and in a couple weeks she's releasing Dream Too Much, her first album for kids.

The title track is whimsical and, befitting a song about dreams' often off-kilter narratives, filled with surreal lyrical imagery.  That surreal imagery is made real in her new video for the album's title track.  I like the song, but the paper-based images are even better.

Amy Lee - "Dream Too Much" [YouTube]