The Whizpops' Third, Ocean-Themed, Kids Music Album

ProjectThe Whizpops Ocean Album!

CreatorThe Whizpops

Description:  Montana isn't the first place I'd think to look for bands to record an album of ocean-themed songs (miles of ocean waterfront in Montana = 0), but the Missoula-based kindie band has shown a taste for science-themed music on their first two albums, so I trust in their ability to overcome their familiarity with wide-open landscapes.

The money will be used to record the album, film some music videos, and create and self-publish some kids' books.  And maybe to purchase a dinosaur?  OK, scratch the dinosaur part.

Ep. 14: Danny Weinkauf's Kids Music Album "No School Today"

I talk with Danny Weinkauf, who's using Kickstarter to raise money to release his first family music album, No School Today (and a few videos, too).  We chat about his musical upbringing, what it's been like writing the occasional song for They Might Be Giants (for whom he's played bass for more than 15 years), and James Jamerson.  A lot about James Jamerson.

A fun interview (and if you're one of those folks who don't like to back Kickstarter projects unless it's a sure thing -- it's already more than 130% funded, it's a sure thing).

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