The Peculiar Tales of the S.S. Bungalow

Project:  The Peculiar Tales of the S.S. Bungalow

Creator:  Laki Karavias (part of the large group of folks making the S.S. Bunglow)

Description:  There are many folks using Kickstarter to raise funds for their first kids music album, but few such projects whose ideas seem as fully thought as that from the Portland-based collective of artists who want to make a very nautically-themed story and album.

The Phantom Tollbooth: Beyond Expectations: Documentary Completion

Project Title:  The Phantom Tollbooth: Beyond Expectations - Final Push

CreatorHannah Jayanti

Description:  I don't think there's much I need to say about this particular project.  It's the last bit of funding filmmaker Jayanti is seeking to complete The Phantom Tollbooth : Beyond Expectations , a documentary on the classic book by Norton Juster and illustrated by Jules Feiffer.  Post-production, legal, marketing -- not exactly fun, but necessary indeed.  Hey, even Bill Harley's involved.

Episode 6: Noah and Nanda Wilson (AKA Mr. & Mrs. Muffins), The Misty Cowboy Album and LP

The team of Mr. & Mrs. Muffins are known as Noah and Nanda Wilson in the real world, but the art they produce seems very much not of this world.  Their music and accompanying art (or is art with accompanying music) has more than a touch of the dreamlike.  It's not kids music, but it's certainly tapping an inner child and very kid-friendly.  They join me for a chat about the long time it took to make this, their new album, and the inspiration behind the art and music.


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Mr. and Mrs. Muffins 

Mr. and Mrs. Muffins on Bandcamp 

Mr. and Mrs. Muffins' The Misty Cowboy Kickstarter project