minimúsica's Fourth Album of Spanish Indie Rock for Kids

Project:  minimúsica Volume 4 - Education

Creator:  minimúsica

Description:  Do I like the indie pop/rock of Spain's minimúsica?  I liked Volumes 1 and 2, and Volume 3, too, so the answer is safely "yes."

Now the outfit is back, trying to raise the funds produce Volume 4, this one with an "Education" theme.  It'll feature music from… OK, I don't recognize any of the artists except Candela y Los Supremos, but I really didn't recognize any of the artists on Volumes 1 through 3, and those turned out pretty awesome.

They're trying to raise 15,000 Euros, or roughly $20,000 depending on the exchange rate, and while the reward levels might not work for too many on this side of the pond (and I don't think they've even contemplated the possibility that they'd receive foreign contributions), for just $27 or so you can get the CD plus the book Transports from one of the prior volumes.

Brain Food: Exploratory Creativity Deck for Kids

Project TitleBrain Food: A Design for Good Product by AIGA Portland

CreatorAIGA Portland

Description:  This project is the product of a collaboration between the Portland branch AIGA ("the professional association for design") and The Right Brain Initiative, which promotes "whole brain learning," i.e., integrating the arts into  daily curriculum in Portland-area schools.

The group is attempting to get these 50-card decks with all sorts of ideas (build castles out of blankets) into 44 Portland-area schools.  You, too, can get PDF or printed copies of the set plus some other cool schwag.