Live in Phoenix: Gustafer Yellowgold (March 7, 2009)

GustaferBand.jpgThe weekend of March 7 and 8 is going to be, hands down, the biggest in Phoenix kids music history. I'll announce the March 8th thing shortly, but today I'm talking about the first Arizona appearance of Gustafer Yellowgold. Morgan Taylor will be bringing his Gustafer show to Phoenix on March 7, as part of the concert series I'm organizing at the Children's Museum of Phoenix. They'll be playing two 25-minute sets -- one at 10 AM, one at noon -- on the 7th. I don't think they're bringing the vine-covered set, but I'm guessing you won't care about that. The show is free with Museum admission. I am very excited. (Oh, and if you're in Arizona but for some reason can't make it the 7th or are the world's biggest Gustafer fan, there will be a Gustafer Yellowgold show Sunday the 8th at 3 PM at Tucson's Loft Cinema.)

Reminder: Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) -- Live In Phoenix This Sunday!

It's been a crazy-busy week for me, but I've got my calendar clear to see the Jellydots' Doug Snyder play a show at the wonderful Children's Museum of Phoenix this Sunday, January 11. Sets are at 2 and 3 PM, free with Museum admission. I'm so geeked I was able to help the Museum with their new series, especially with Doug. Make sure you get there early, for two reasons: 1) Space is limited. (Check out the CMOP calendar for how to make reservations, though they're leaving a few spots open for walk-ins.) 2) Your kids (and you) will be so distracted by "Whoosh!" on the ground floor that it'll take you a good 20 minutes to get up to the 2nd floor... See you tomorrow!

Concert Recap: Randy Kaplan (Phoenix, December 2008)

RandyKaplan-COB1.jpgI look at the date of my last post, and clearly I've been taking an unofficial vacation from the site. Lots of stuff to do, both pleasant and less so, but before it gets too far in my rear-view mirror, I wanted to be sure to talk about and post some photos and videos from last weekend's concert by Randy Kaplan here at Church of the Beatitudes in Phoenix. One of the first songs Randy led off with was a cover of Elizabeth Cotten's classic "Frieght Train"...

Don't Forget: Randy Kaplan in Concert

Uh, like the title says -- Randy Kaplan in concert. Don't forget about it -- Saturday, Dec. 27th at 2 PM at Church of the Beatitudes in Phoenix. (7th Ave and Glendale -- soooo central.) Tickets are just $3 per person, $10 per family. It will be lots of fun -- hope to see you there.

Live in Phoenix: Doug Snyder (January 11, 2009)

DougSnyderSXSW04.jpgA while ago, main Jellydot Doug Snyder lived in Phoenix, even playing a Sing-Along Saturday at Stinkweeds Records. Well, Doug moved on to New Mexico, but he's returning to the Valley of the Sun to kick off a great 2009 kids music-wise when he plays a couple of sets at the Children's Museum of Phoenix on Sunday, January 11. Come at 2 PM, or come at 3 PM (or maybe even stay for both). The show is free with CMOP admission and if you haven't yet visited the museum and you've got kids who are still in the single-digit age range, you really should stop by -- it's a really cool museum. I've helped CMOP put together a whole concert series for 2009 -- more details on the rest of the series coming soon!

Randy Kaplan In Concert: Dec. 27th (Phoenix)

Randy Kaplan - Dog Grapes Globe.jpgOver the next few days I'm going to be announcing a number of kids music shows taking place here in Phoenix in 2009, but let's kick off the list with a show squeaking in 2008 -- Randy Kaplan, who'll be officially releasing his second album Loquat Rooftop (review) this fall. Randy will be making his way east from LA to play a record release show at Symphony Space in New York City in November, then eventually heading back west. On Saturday, Dec. 27th, Randy will be playing a show at central Phoenix's Church of the Beatitudes (555 W. Glendale Ave., the corner of 7th Ave and Glendale). It'll be a 2 PM show, with tickets just $3 a person. Come get the kids (and yourself) out of the house and enjoy a great show. This isn't a "Zooglobble" show -- it's being put on by the Church (its first kids show, but definitely not the last) -- but I've helped coordinate it, so consider it Zooglobble-approved.